

Kernel::WebApp::Controller::API::Role::ProvidesSessionFormIDsCache – Role that provides caching of FormIDs during a session by relating them to the session AccessToken.


Adds the new FormID to the current session. Param FormID carries the UUID that identifies the form.

Uses the AccessToken Param if provided. Otherwise, uses the present session AccessToken.


Removes the given FormID from the current session cache. Param FormID is the UUID that identifies the form.

Uses the AccessToken Param if provided. Otherwise, uses the present session AccessToken.


Deletes the whole FormIDs cache for the session.

Uses the AccessToken Param if provided. Otherwise, uses the present session AccessToken.


Determines if the given FormIDs is in cache for the session.

Uses the AccessToken Param if provided. Otherwise, uses the present session AccessToken.

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