

Set the type and direction of links to be used to calculate the incident state. The key is the name of the link type (as defined in LinkObject::Type), and the value is the direction of the IncidentLinkType that should be followed to calculate the incident state. For example if the IncidentLinkType is set to “DependsOn”, and the Direction is “Source”, only “Depends on” links will be followed (and not the opposite link “Required for”) to calculate the incident state. You can add more link types and directions as you like, e.g. “Includes” with the direction “Target”. All link types defined in the system configuration options LinkObject::Type are possible and the direction can be “Source”, “Target”, or “Both”. IMPORTANT: AFTER YOU MAKE CHANGES TO THIS SYSTEM CONFIGURATION OPTION YOU NEED TO RUN THE CONSOLE COMMAND bin/ Admin::ITSM::IncidentState::Recalculate SO THAT ALL INCIDENT STATES WILL BE RECALCULATED BASED ON THE NEW SETTINGS!

This setting can not be deactivated.

Default value:

DependsOn: Both
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