Service Management

The service desk (which, according to ITIL, is not a process but a function) is usually the ticket system’s main field of application. All user messages and notifications from system monitoring and internal IT organization converge here. The ITIL service management process, closely interwoven with the service desk, describes which work steps, information, escalations and/or interfaces are relevant in connection with the processing of incidents or service requests.

This feature contains objects and basic functionalities needed for common features and processes of ITIL implementation. It contains the general catalog, which is the basic for ITSM relevant configurations in the service management. Additionally, adds statistics to the system for ensuring that all service level agreements are appropriate and satisfy the agreements, as well as to monitor and report on service levels.

The incident and problem management processes within OTRS::ITSM are based on ITIL recommendations and ITIL terminology. At the same time, user comfort was a main consideration, and terms known from OTRS have been retained as much as possible.

Some features of the service management are not enabled by default. This chapter guides you how to activate or setup these features.

Activate Incident and Problem Management

The incident and problem management feature is turned off by default.

To activate the incident and problem management feature:

  1. Go to the System Configuration screen.

  2. Search for the setting IncidentProblemManagement::Active and enable it.

  3. Activate the actions in the following settings:

  4. Enable the dynamic field property cards in the widget type configuration AgentFrontend::TicketDetailView::WidgetType###Properties by setting the value of the key IsVisible to 1 (available) or 2 (available and visible by default).

    The following dynamic field property cards have been added to the widget type configuration:

  5. Enable the dynamic fields in the form configurations by setting the key Inactive to the value 0:

    - DynamicField_ITSMImpact
    - DynamicField_ITSMDueDate
    - DynamicField_ITSMImpact
    - DynamicField_ITSMDueDate
    - DynamicField_ITSMImpact
    - DynamicField_ITSMDueDate
    - DynamicField_ITSMImpact
    - DynamicField_ITSMReviewRequired
    - DynamicField_ITSMReviewRequired
    - DynamicField_ITSMReviewRequired
  6. Deploy the modified configuration.

Hiding Service Incident State in Forms

This section describes how to hide the incident state field in a form if selecting a service. In default state, the incident state is shown in a form after selecting a service:

Service Incident State in the New Phone Ticket Form

Service Incident State in the New Phone Ticket Form

In order to hide the service incident state in a form, you need to edit the YAML configuration of the relevant form and add the following part:

- Name: ServiceID
    HideIncidentState: 1

The following example shows how to hide the service incident state for the New Phone Ticket form:

  1. Search for the setting Forms###AgentFrontend::TicketCreate::Phone::CreateProperties.

  2. Search for the ServiceID field in the YAML configuration:

YAML Configuration of the Form

YAML Configuration of the Form

  1. Add the Config key with the HideIncidentState sub-key set to 1:

- Name: ServiceID
    HideIncidentState: 1
  1. Deploy the modified settings.

After successful deployment the service incident state will be hidden in the New Phone Ticket form:

New Phone Ticket Form without the Service Incident State

New Phone Ticket Form without the Service Incident State

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