Customers ↔ Services

This feature makes it possible to assign services to customers so that only the assigned service is displayed when a ticket is created and only the appropriate SLAs are valid.

Use this screen to add one or more customers to one or more services. To use this function, at least one customer and one service need to have been added to the system. The management screen is available in the Customers ↔ Services module of the Users, Groups & Roles group.

Manage Customer-Service Relations

Manage Customer-Service Relations

Manage Customers ↔ Services Relations


Before your first use, please make sure that you activate the Services option in the administrator interface.


The determination of the customers is based on a customer company search. So it is very important to adjust the CustomerCompanySearchListLimit setting in the CustomerCompany section in the Kernel/ Otherwise not all customers can be found and displayed.


This feature can be affected if the setting CustomerUserExcludePrimaryCustomerID is set to 1 in the Kernel/ By excluding the primary customer ID and not setting up customer IDs manually, no services will be shown.

To allocate some services to a customer:

  1. Klicken Sie in der Spalte Kunden auf einen Kunden.

  2. Select the services you would like to allocate to the customer.

  3. Klicken Sie auf die Schaltfläche Speichern oder Speichern und abschließen.

Change Service Relations for Customer

Change Service Relations for Customer

To allocate some customer to a service:

  1. Klicken Sie in der Spalte Services auf einen Service.

  2. Select the customers you would like to allocate to the service.

  3. Klicken Sie auf die Schaltfläche Speichern oder Speichern und abschließen.

Change Customer Relations for Service

Change Customer Relations for Service


If several customers or services are added to the system, use the search box to find a particular customer or use the filter box to find a particular service by just typing the name to filter.

Multiple customers or services can be assigned in both screens at the same time. Additionally clicking on a customer or clicking on a service in the relations screen will open the Edit Customer screen or the Edit Service screen accordingly.


Accessing a customer or a service provides no back link to the relations screen.


Durch das Setzen eines Kontrollkästchens im Kopf einer Spalte werden alle Kontrollkästchen in der ausgewählten Spalte gesetzt.


The allocations of customer users and services should be done with this screen. It is not recommended to use the screen Customer Users ↔ Services.

Manage Default Services for Customers

It is possible to add default services, so that all customer users of the customer may access them. This prevents having to add each service to each customer.

So bearbeiten Sie die Standard-Services:

  1. Klicken Sie in der linken Seitenleiste auf die Schaltfläche Standard-Services bearbeiten.

  2. Select the services which should be selectable for all customer.

  3. Klicken Sie auf die Schaltfläche Speichern oder Speichern und abschließen.

Allocate Services to Customer Screen

Allocate Services to Customer Screen


Mixing default services and customer specific services can be confusing. If a customer has specific services assigned, then the default services will be not applied.

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