

Kernel::System::DynamicTicketTemplate – access to dynamic ticket templates


All type functions.



create an object. Do not use it directly, instead use:

    use Kernel::System::ObjectManager;
    local $Kernel::OM = Kernel::System::ObjectManager->new();
    my $DynamicTicketTemplateObject = $Kernel::OM->Get('Kernel::System::DynamicTicketTemplate');


add a new dynamic ticket template

    my $ID = $DynamicTicketTemplateObject->DynamicTicketTemplateAdd(
        Name          => 'New Template',
        Comments      => 'A description of the new template',
        Subject       => 'The subject provided by this template',
        Body          => 'The text body provided by this template',
        ContentType   => 'text\plain',                               # 'text\html'
        ValidID       => 1,
        DynamicFields => $DynamicFieldsHashRef, # optional
        ServiceID     => [ 3 ],
        TypeID        => 2,
        Frontend      => 'ExternalInterface', # valid values: 'AgentInterface', 'ExternalInterface', undef [undef is for BothInterfaces]
        UserID        => 123,

    The hashref for the DynamicFields parameter requires a structure like this:
    $DynamicFields = {
        Vendor => 0 # disabled field
        Model  => 1 # enabled field
        Serial => 2 # mandatory field


get types attributes

    my %DynamicTicketTemplate = $DynamicTicketTemplateObject->DynamicTicketTemplateGet(
        ID => 34,

    my %DynamicTicketTemplate = $DynamicTicketTemplateObject->DynamicTicketTemplateGet(
        Name => 'Default Template',


    %DynamicTicketTemplate = (
        ID                  => '34',
        Name                => 'Default Template',
        Comments            => 'This is a default template for new tickets',
        ContentType         => 'text/html',
        Subject             => 'Your service request',
        Body                => 'Dear Customer...',
        ValidID             => '1',
        CreateTime          => '2011-12-01 08:01:23',
        CreateBy            => '12',
        ChangeTime          => '2011-12-02 10:45:01',
        ChangeBy            => '8',
        TypeID              => '15',
        ServiceID           => '62',
        DynamicFields       => {    # no mandatory element
            Field1 => 1,
            Field2 => 0
        Frontend            => 'ExternalInterface', # valid values: 'AgentInterface', 'ExternalInterface', undef [undef is for BothInterfaces]


update template attributes

    my $Success = $DynamicTicketTemplateObject->DynamicTicketTemplateUpdate(
        TemplateID    => 5,
        Name          => 'New Template',
        Comments      => 'A description of the new template',
        ContentType   => 'text/plain',                              # or 'text/html'
        Subject       => 'The subject provided by this template',
        Body          => 'The text body provided by this template',
        ValidID       => 1,
        DynamicFields => $DynamicFieldsHashRef, # optional
        ServiceID     => 3,
        TypeID        => 2
        Frontend      => 'ExternalInterface', # valid values: 'AgentInterface', 'ExternalInterface', undef [undef is for BothInterfaces]
        UserID        => 123,

    The hashref for the DynamicFields parameter requires a structure like this:
    $DynamicFields = {
        Vendor => 0 # disabled field
        Model  => 1 # enabled field
        Serial => 2 # mandatory field


get type list

    my %List = $DynamicTicketTemplateObject->DynamicTicketTemplateList(
        Valid    => [0,1],
        Frontend => 'ExternalInterface', # valid values: 'AgentInterface', 'ExternalInterface', undef [undef is for BothInterfaces]

    returns: a hash containing only valid templates:
    %List = {
        1 => 'Default Template',
        2 => 'Maintenance Case',
        3 => 'Customer Information',

    my %List = $DynamicTicketTemplateObject->DynamicTicketTemplateList(
        Valid => 0,

    returns: a hash containing all (also invalid) templates:
    %List = {
        1 => 'Default Template',
        2 => 'Maintenance Case',
        3 => 'Customer Information',


search for dynamic ticket templates

    my %TemplateList = $DynamicTicketTemplateObject->DynamicTicketTemplateSearch(
        TypeID    => 123,                   # a ticket type ID
        ServiceID => 123,
        Frontend  => 'ExternalInterface', # valid values: 'AgentInterface', 'ExternalInterface', undef [undef is for BothInterfaces]
        UserID    => 123,

    returns: a hash containing the templates that matches the criteria:
    %List = {
        1 => 'Default Template',
        3 => 'Customer Information',


get id or name of a ticket template

    my $TemplateName = $DynamicTicketTemplateObject->DynamicTicketTemplateLookup(
        ID            => $TemplateID,
        NotFoundError => 0,             # By default, log not found error. If set to 0, skip logging.

    my $TemplateID = $DynamicTicketTemplateObject->DynamicTicketTemplateLookup(
        Name     => $TemplateName,


delete a Dynamic Ticket Template entry

returns 1 if successful or undef otherwise

    my $Success = $DynamicFieldObject->DynamicTicketTemplateDelete(
        TemplateID => 123,
        UserID     => 123,


delete the dynamic field relation from all dynamic ticket templates

returns 1 if successful or undef otherwise

    my $Success = $DynamicFieldObject->DynamicTicketTemplateRelationDynamicFieldDelete(
        DynamicFieldID => 123,
        UserID         => 123,


get the used dynamic fields from all dynamic ticket templates

    my %List = $DynamicTicketTemplateObject->DynamicTicketTemplateGetUsedDynamicFields(
        Frontend  => 'AgentInterface', # valid values: 'AgentInterface', 'ExternalInterface',

    returns: a hash containing the dynamic field names
    %List = {
        DynamicField_X => 1,


assign dynamic ticket templates to a customer group

returns 1 if successful or undef otherwise

    my $Success = $DynamicTicketTemplateObject->CustomerGroupDTTSet(
        TemplateIDs => [123, 31, 83],
        GroupID     => 123,


provides a list of all dynamic ticket templates assigned to a customer group

returns 1 if successful or undef otherwise

    my $DTTList = $DynamicTicketTemplateObject->CustomerGroupDTTList(
        GroupID     => 123,

    $DTTList = {
        25 => 1,
        31 => 1,
        84 => 1,


Assign customer groups to a dynamic ticket template. The GroupIDs parameter expects a hash, where each key is the ID of a (customer) group and each value represents the state of its assignment to the dynamic ticket template (1 = assigned, 0 = not assigned)

returns 1 if successful or undef otherwise

    my $Success = $DynamicTicketTemplateObject->DTTCustomerGroupSet(
        TemplateID => 123,
        GroupIDs   => {
            54  => 1,
            86  => 0,
            212 => 1


provides a hashref to list of all customer groups assigned to a dynamic ticket template

    my $CustomerGroupList = $DynamicTicketTemplateObject->DTTCustomerGroupList(
        TemplateID     => 123,

    $CustomerGroupList = {
        2   => 1,
        5   => 1,
        28  => 1,
        683 => 1,


to add an attachment to a dynamic ticket template

    my $Success = $DynamicTicketTemplateObject->StdAttachmentDTTMemberAdd(
        AttachmentID       => 123,
        TemplateID         => 123,
        Active             => 1,        # optional
        UserID             => 123,


returns a list of Standard Attachment / Dynamic Ticket Template members

    my %List = $DynamicTicketTemplateObject->StdAttachmentDTTMemberList(
        AttachmentID => 123,

    my %List = $DynamicTicketTemplateObject->StdAttachmentDTTMemberList(
        TemplateID => 123,

Returns: %List = ( 1 => 'Some Name', 2 => 'Some Name', );

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