

Kernel::System::CustomerUser::Keycloak – CustomerUser backend for Keycloak


Default parameter validation schema.


To find customer user in the system.

The search criteria are logically AND connected. When a list is passed as criteria, the individual members are OR connected. When an undef or a reference to an empty array is passed, then the search criteria is ignored.

Returns either a list, as an arrayref, or a count of found customer user ids. The count of results is returned when the parameter Result = 'COUNT' is passed.

    my $CustomerUserIDsRef = $CustomerUserObject->CustomerSearchDetail(

        # all search fields possible which are defined in CustomerUserSearchFields
        UserLogin     => 'example*',                                    # (optional)
        UserFirstname => 'Firstn*',                                     # (optional)

        # special parameters
        CustomerCompanySearchCustomerIDs => [ '' ],          # (optional)
        ExcludeUserLogins                => [ 'example', 'doejohn' ],   # (optional)

        # array parameters are used with logical OR operator (all values are possible which
        are defined in the config selection hash for the field)
        UserCountry              => [ 'Austria', 'Germany', ],          # (optional)

        # DynamicFields
        #   At least one operator must be specified. Operators will be connected with AND,
        #       values in an operator with OR.
        #   You can also pass more than one argument to an operator: ['value1', 'value2']
        DynamicField_FieldNameX => {
            Equals            => 123,
            Like              => 'value*',                # "equals" operator with wildcard support
            GreaterThan       => '2001-01-01 01:01:01',
            GreaterThanEquals => '2001-01-01 01:01:01',
            SmallerThan       => '2002-02-02 02:02:02',
            SmallerThanEquals => '2002-02-02 02:02:02',

        OrderBy => [ 'UserLogin', 'UserCustomerID' ],                   # (optional)
        # ignored if the result type is 'COUNT'
        # default: [ 'UserLogin' ]
        # (all search fields possible which are defined in CustomerUserSearchFields)

        # Additional information for OrderBy:
        # The OrderByDirection can be specified for each OrderBy attribute.
        # The pairing is made by the array indices.

        OrderByDirection => [ 'Down', 'Up' ],                          # (optional)
        # ignored if the result type is 'COUNT'
        # (Down | Up) Default: [ 'Down' ]

        Result => 'ARRAY' || 'COUNT',                                  # (optional)
        # default: ARRAY, returns an array of change ids
        # COUNT returns a scalar with the number of found changes

        Valid => 1,                                                    # (optional)
        # default: 1, return only valid customer users

        Limit => 100,                                                  # (optional)
        # ignored if the result type is 'COUNT'

        UserID => 7,                                                   # (optional)
        # Used only if Customer<-Group->User filter is enabled.


Result: 'ARRAY'

    @CustomerUserIDs = ( 1, 2, 3 );

Result: 'COUNT'

    $CustomerUserIDs = 10;
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