

Kernel::System::Survey – survey lib


All survey functions. E. g. to add survey or and functions.



create an object

    use Kernel::System::ObjectManager;
    local $Kernel::OM = Kernel::System::ObjectManager->new();
    my $SurveyObject = $Kernel::OM->Get('Kernel::System::Survey');


to add a new survey

    my $SurveyID = $SurveyObject->SurveyAdd(
        UserID                 => 1,
        Title                  => 'A Title',
        Introduction           => 'The introduction of the survey',
        Description            => 'The internal description of the survey',
        NotificationSender     => '',
        NotificationSubject    => 'Help us with your feedback!',
        NotificationBody       => 'Dear customer...',
        Queues                 => [2, 5, 9],  # (optional) survey is valid for these queues
        TicketTypeIDs          => [1, 2, 3],  # (optional) survey is valid for these ticket types
        ServiceIDs             => [1, 2, 3],  # (optional) survey is valid for these services
        CustomerUserConditions => {
            'UserFirstname' => [
                    'Negation' => 0,
                    'RegExpValue' => '^Mi'
                    'Negation' => 1,
                    'RegExpValue' => '^Ka'
        }, # (optional)


to get all attributes of a survey

    my %Survey = $SurveyObject->SurveyGet(
        SurveyID => 123,

Returns: %Survey = ( "ChangeBy" => 1, "ChangeTime" => "2017-08-30 11:26:41", "ChangeUserFirstname" => "John", "ChangeUserFullname" => "John Doe", "ChangeUserLastname" => "Doe", "ChangeUserLogin" => "john", "CreateBy" => 1, "CreateTime" => "2017-08-30 11:26:41", "CreateUserFirstname" => "John", "CreateUserFullname" => "John Doe", "CreateUserLastname" => "Doe", "CreateUserLogin" => "john", "CustomerUserConditions" => { "UserLogin" => [ { "Negation" => 0, "RegExpValue" => "" } ] }, "CustomerUserConditionsJSON" => "{\"UserLogin\":[{\"RegExpValue\":\"\",\"Negation\":\"0\"}]}", "Description" => "Selenium Descriptioncustomer", "Introduction" => "Selenium Introduction", "NotificationBody" => "Dear Customer,\r\n\r\nThanks for using our service. Help us to improve us and our services.\r\n\r\nPlease give us feedback on how to improve our services:\r\n\r\nhttp://localhost/otrs/external/survey/\<OTRS_PublicSurveyKey>\r\n\r\nThanks for your help!\r\n\r\nYour OTRS-Team", "NotificationSender" => "quality\", "NotificationSubject" => "Help us with your feedback!", "Queues" => [], "SendConditionsRaw" => "—\nCustomerUserConditions:\n UserLogin:\n – Negation: 0\n RegExpValue: ''\n", "Status" => "New", "SurveyID" => 49, "SurveyNumber" => 10049, "Title" => "Survey title", ):


to update an existing survey

        UserID              => 1,
        SurveyID            => 4,
        Title               => 'A Title',
        Introduction        => 'The introduction of the survey',
        Description         => 'The internal description of the survey',
        NotificationSender  => '',
        NotificationSubject => 'Help us with your feedback!',
        NotificationBody    => 'Dear customer...',
        Queues              => [2, 5, 9],  # (optional) survey is valid for these queues
        TicketTypeIDs       => [1, 2, 3],  # (optional) survey is valid for these ticket types
        ServiceIDs          => [1, 2, 3],  # (optional) survey is valid for these services
        CustomerUserConditions => {
            'UserFirstname' => [
                    'Negation' => 1,
                    'RegExpValue' => '^Mi'
                    'Negation' => 1,
                    'RegExpValue' => '^Ka'
        }, # (optional)


to get a array list of all survey items

    my %SurveyList = $SurveyObject->SurveyList();

Result: %SurveyList = ( 47 => "Survey title", … );


search in surveys

    my @IDs = $SurveyObject->SurveySearch(

        Number              => '134',                                         # (optional)
        Title               => 'some title',                                  # (optional)
        Introduction        => 'some introduction',                           # (optional)
        Description         => 'some description',                            # (optional)
        NotificationSender  => 'user@domain',                                 # (optional)
        NotificationSubject => 'some notification subject',                   # (optional)
        NotificationBody    => 'some notification body',                      # (optional)

        # is searching in Number, Title, Introduction, Description, NotificationSender,
        # NotificationSubject and NotificationBody
        What   => 'some text',                                                # (optional)

        Status => 'some status',                                              # (optional)

        CreateTimeNewerDate => '2012-01-01 12:00:00',
        CreateTimeOlderDate => '2012-01-31 12:00:00',
        CreateBy            => '123',            #UserID
        ChangeTimeNewerDate => '2012-01-01 12:00:00',
        ChangeTimeOlderDate => '2012-12-31 12:00:00',
        ChangeBy            => '123',            #UserID

        OrderBy => [ 'SurveyID', 'Title' ],                                     # (optional)
        # default: [ 'SurveyID' ],
        # ()SurveyID, Number, Title, Introduction, Description,
        # NotificationSender, NotificationSubject, NotificationBody,
        # Status, CreateTime, CreateBy, ChangeTime, ChangeBy)

        # Additional information for OrderBy:
        # The OrderByDirection can be specified for each OrderBy attribute.
        # The pairing is made by the array indexes.

        OrderByDirection => [ 'Down', 'Up' ],                                   # (optional)
        # default: [ 'Down' ]
        # (Down | Up)

        Limit     => 150,                                                       # (optional)
        UserID    => 1,


to set a new survey status (Valid, Invalid, Master)

    $StatusSet = $SurveyObject->SurveyStatusSet(
        SurveyID  => 123,       # required
        NewStatus => 'Master',  # required


get a survey_queue relation as an array reference

my $QueuesRef = $SurveyObject->SurveyQueueGet( SurveyID => 3, # required );


add a survey_queue relation

my $Result = $SurveyObject->SurveyQueueSet( SurveyID => 3, # required QueueIDs => [1, 7], # required );


get all public survey keys as an array reference

my $PublicSurveyKeysRef = $SurveyObject->PublicSurveyKeyGet( SurveyID => 3, # required TicketIDs => [ 1, 2, 3], # optional RequestSendTimeNewerDate => '2024-12-01 00:00:00', # optional RequestSendTimeOlderDate => '2024-12-01 00:00:00', # optional RequestVoteTimeNewerDate => '2024-12-01 00:00:00', # optional RequestVoteTimeOlderDate => '2024-01-01 00:00:00', # optional Limit => 1, # optional );


to get all public attributes of a survey

    my %PublicSurvey = $SurveyObject->PublicSurveyGet(
            PublicSurveyKey => 'Aw5de3Xf5qA',   # required
            Invalid         => 1,               # optional to know if one key
                                                # was already used


to set a request invalid

        PublicSurveyKey => 'aVkdE82Dw2qw6erCda',  # required


exists an survey-, question-, answer- or request-element

    my $ElementExists = $SurveyObject->ElementExists(
        ID => 123,           # SurveyID, QuestionID, AnswerID, RequestID
        Element => 'Survey'  # Survey, Question, Answer, Request


get some text ready to show as rich-text attachment in-line

    my $RichTextDocumentComplete = $SurveyObject->GetRichTextDocumentComplete(
        Text => $RichText,  # required


build send condition string with the single items

    my %SendConditions = $SurveyObject->_BuildSendConditionStrg(
        TicketTypeIDs          => [1, 2, 3], # (optional)
        ServiceIDs             => [1, 2, 3], # (optional)
        CustomerUserConditions => {
            'UserFirstname' => [
                    'Negation' => 1,
                    'RegExpValue' => '^Mi'
                    'Negation' => 1,
                    'RegExpValue' => '^Ka'
        }, # (optional)


This function collects some field config information from the customer user map. In OTRS 6, there is a function in the that should be used instead!!!

    my %FieldConfig = $SurveyObject->_SendConditionCheckCustomerField(
        FieldName => 'UserEmail',
        Source    => 'CustomerUser', # optional

Returns one field config information.

    %FieldConfig = (
        Label         => 'Email',
        DatabaseField => 'email',
        StorageType   => 'var',


Returns the selections for the given field (merged from all sources). In OTRS 6, there is a function in the that should be used instead!!!

    my %SelectionsData = $SurveyObject->_SendConditionGetFieldSelections(
        FieldName => 'UserEmail',


write survey attachment

    my $Success = $SurveyObject->_SurveyWriteAttachment(
        Content             => 'someContent',
        Filename            => 'example.jpg',
        ContentType         => 'image/jpeg',
        SurveyID            => 1,
        UserID              => 1,
        AttachmentType      => 1,


delete all survey attachments

    my $Success = $SurveyObject->_SurveyDeleteAttachmentAll(
        SurveyID            => 1,
        UserID              => 1,


delete all survey attachments

    my $Success = $SurveyObject->_SurveyDeleteAttachmentAnswer(
        SurveyID            => 1,
        QuestionID          => 1,
        AnswerID            => 1,
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