

Kernel::Test::Role::IsTestCase::Selenium – base role for all test cases.


has 'QuitRetries'

Count of maximum retries for the quit() call


around 'SkipTest'

modify SkipTest to abort the test early if Selenium testing is not active.

around 'StartHook'

sets some Selenium-relevant settings via "SeleniumSettingsSet()".

around 'FinishHook'

quits selenium driver.

around 'HandleException'

modifies the default exception handler to call the one from the Selenium driver instead, e. g. to take a screenshot.

has 'Selenium'

provides a default "main" Selenium instance. Use this in tests that only need one instance. Other tests should use "CreateSeleniumInstance()" to create additional browser windows.


use this to create additional instances other than the main, if needed.


Sets needed settings when selenium tests are executed.


Remove all push event related database entries.

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