

Kernel::System::UnitTest – functions to run all or some OTRS unit tests



run all or some tests located in scripts/test/**/*.t and print the result.

        Tests                  => ['JSON', 'User'],     # optional, execute certain test files only
        Directory              => 'Selenium',           # optional, execute tests in subdirectory
        Verbose                => 1,                    # optional (default 0), only show result details for all tests, not just failing
        SubmitURL              => $URL,                 # optional, send results to unit test result server
        SubmitType             => 'json',               # optional (default 'json'), send results using MojoUserAgent via 'json' or 'form' type
        SubmitAuth             => '0abc86125f0fd37baae' # optional authentication string for unit test result server
        SubmitResultAsExitCode => 1,                    # optional, specify if exit code should not indicate if tests were ok/not ok, but if submission was successful instead
        JobID                  => 12,                   # optional job ID for unit test submission to server
        Scenario               => 'OTRS 6 git',         # optional scenario identifier for unit test submission to server
        PostTestScripts        => ['...'],              # Script(s) to execute after a test has been run.
                                                        #  You can specify %File%, %TestOk% and %TestNotOk% as dynamic arguments.
        PreSubmitScripts       => ['...'],              # Script(s) to execute after all tests have been executed
                                                        #  and the results are about to be sent to the server.
        NumberOfTestRuns       => 10,                   # optional (default 1), number of successive runs for every single unit test
        StopOnError            => 1,                    # optional (default 0), stop test run on any test case failure.
        Chunk                  => 1,                    # optional (default 1), chunk to determine which chunk of tests should be executed
        TotalChunks            => 1,                    # optional (default 1), amount of total chunks to be executed
        RoleFilter             => '...',                # optional role filter for new test system to filter which tests should be executed
        TestTypes              => '...',                # optional test types (e.g. 'Selenium') to filter which tests should be executed
        SkipTestTypes          => '...',                # optional test types (e.g. 'Selenium') to filter which tests should *not* be executed
        NoProgress             => 1,                    # optional, supress printing of a dot '.' after each successful test

Please note that the individual test files are not executed in the main process, but instead in separate forked child processes which are controlled by Kernel::System::UnitTest::Driver. Their results will be transmitted to the main process via a local file.

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