

Kernel::System::Ticket::TicketACL – ticket ACL lib


All ticket ACL functions.


Restricts the Data parameter sent to a subset of it, depending on a group of user defied rules called ACLs. The reduced subset can be access from TicketAclData() if ReturnType parameter is set to: Ticket, Process or ActivityDialog, or in TicketAclActionData(), if ReturnType Action is used.

Each ACL can contain different restrictions for different objects the ReturnType parameter defines which object is considered for this restrictions, in the case of the Ticket object a second parameter called ReturnSubtype is needed, to specify the ticket attribute to be restricted, like: Queue, State, Owner, etc. While for the rest of the objects a "-" value must be set. The ReturnType and ReturnSubType must be set according to the Data parameter sent.

The rest of the attributes define the matching options for the ACL rules.

Example to restrict ticket actions:

    my $Success = $TicketObject->TicketAcl(
        Data => {                            # Values to restrict
            1 => AgentTicketZoom,
            # ...

        Action        => 'AgentTicketZoom',                     # Optional
        Endpoint      => 'ExternalFrontend::TicketCreate'       # Optional
        TicketID      => 123,                                   # Optional

        DynamicField  => {                                      # Optional
            DynamicField_NameX => 123,
            DynamicField_NameZ => 'some value',
        # or:
        DynamicField_NameX => 123,                              # Optional
        DynamicField_NameZ => 'some value',                     # Optional
        # or:
        DynamicFields.NameX => 123,                             # Optional
        DynamicFields.NameZ => 'some value',                    # Optional

        QueueID          => 123,                                # Optional
        Queue            => 'some queue name',                  # Optional
        NewQueueID       => 123,                                # Optional, QueueID or NewQueueID can be
                                                                #   used and they both refers to QueueID

        ServiceID        => 123,                                # Optional
        Service          => 'some service name',                # Optional

        TypeID           => 123,
        Type             => 'some ticket type name',            # Optional

        PriorityID       => 123,                                # Optional
        NewPriorityID    => 123,                                # Optional, PriorityID or NewPriorityID can be
                                                                #   used and they both refers to PriorityID
        Priority         => 'some priority name',               # Optional

        SLAID            => 123,
        SLA              => 'some SLA name',                    # Optional

        StateID          => 123,                                # Optional
        NextStateID      => 123,                                # Optional, StateID or NextStateID can be
                                                                #   used and they both refers to StateID
        State            => 'some ticket state name',           # Optional

        OwnerID          => 123,                                # Optional
        NewOwnerID       => 123,                                # Optional, OwnerID or NewOwnerID can be
                                                                #   used and they both refers to OwnerID
        Owner            => 'some user login'                   # Optional

        ResponsibleID    => 123,                                # Optional
        NewResponsibleID => 123,                                # Optional, ResponsibleID or NewResposibleID
                                                                #   can be used and they both refers to
                                                                #     ResponsibleID
        Responsible      => 'some user login'                   # Optional

        ReturnType     => 'Action',                             # To match Possible, PossibleAdd or
                                                                #   PossibleNot key in ACL
        ReturnSubType  => '-',                                  # To match Possible, PossibleAdd or
                                                                #   PossibleNot sub-key in ACL

        UserID         => 123,                                  # UserID => 1 is not affected by this function
        CustomerUserID => 'customer login',                     # UserID or CustomerUserID are mandatory

        # Process Management Parameters
        ProcessEntityID        => 123,                          # Optional
        ActivityEntityID       => 123,                          # Optional
        ActivityDialogEntityID => 123,                          # Optional

or to restrict ticket states:

    $Success = $TicketObject->TicketAcl(
        Data => {
            1 => 'new',
            2 => 'open',
            # ...
        ReturnType    => 'Ticket',
        ReturnSubType => 'State',
        UserID        => 123,

returns: $Success = 1, # if an ACL matches, or false otherwise.

If ACL modules are configured in the Ticket::Acl::Module config key, they are invoked during the call to TicketAcl. The configuration of a module looks like this:

     $ConfigObject->{'Ticket::Acl::Module'}->{'TheName'} = {
         Module => 'Kernel::System::Ticket::Acl::TheAclModule',
         Checks => ['Owner', 'Queue', 'SLA', 'Ticket'],
         ReturnType => 'Ticket',
         ReturnSubType => ['State', 'Service'],

Each time the ReturnType and one of the ReturnSubType entries is identical to the same arguments passed to TicketAcl, the module of the name in Module is loaded, the new method is called on it, and then the Run method is called.

The Checks array reference in the configuration controls what arguments are passed. to the Run method. Valid keys are CustomerUser, DynamicField, Frontend, Owner, Priority, Process, Queue, Responsible, Service, SLA, State, Ticket and Type. If any of those are present, the Checks argument passed to Run contains an entry with the same name, and as a value the associated data.

The Run method can add entries to the Acl param hash, which are then evaluated along with all other ACL. It should only add entries whose conditionals can be checked with the data specified in the Checks configuration entry.

The return value of the Run method is ignored.


return the current ACL data hash after TicketAcl()

    my %Acl = $TicketObject->TicketAclData();


return the current ACL action data hash after TicketAcl()

    my %AclAction = $TicketObject->TicketAclActionData();
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