
Table of Contents


Kernel::System::Ticket – Functions to create, modify and delete tickets as well as related helper functions


Create ticket object

    use Kernel::System::ObjectManager;
    local $Kernel::OM = Kernel::System::ObjectManager->new();
    my $TicketObject = $Kernel::OM->Get('Kernel::System::Ticket');

Create a new ticket

    my $TicketID = $TicketObject->TicketCreate(
        Title        => 'Some Ticket Title',
        Queue        => 'Raw',
        Lock         => 'unlock',
        Priority     => '3 normal',
        State        => 'new',
        CustomerID   => '12345',
        CustomerUser => '',
        OwnerID      => 1,
        UserID       => 1,

Lock the ticket

    my $Success = $TicketObject->TicketLockSet(
        Lock     => 'lock',
        TicketID => $TicketID,
        UserID   => 1,

Update the title

    my $Success = $TicketObject->TicketTitleUpdate(
        Title    => 'Some Title',
        TicketID => $TicketID,
        UserID   => 1,

Move ticket to another queue

    my $Success = $TicketObject->TicketQueueSet(
        Queue    => 'Some Queue Name',
        TicketID => $TicketID,
        UserID   => 1,

Set a ticket type

    my $Success = $TicketObject->TicketTypeSet(
        Type     => 'Incident',
        TicketID => $TicketID,
        UserID   => 1,

Assign another customer

    my $Success = $TicketObject->TicketCustomerSet(
        No       => '12345',
        User     => '',
        TicketID => $TicketID,
        UserID   => 1,

Update the state

    my $Success = $TicketObject->TicketStateSet(
        State     => 'pending reminder',
        TicketID => $TicketID,
        UserID   => 1,

Update pending time (only for pending states)

    my $Success = $TicketObject->TicketPendingTimeSet(
        String   => '2019-08-14 22:05:00',
        TicketID => $TicketID,
        UserID   => 1,

Set a new priority

    my $Success = $TicketObject->TicketPrioritySet(
        TicketID => $TicketID,
        Priority => 'low',
        UserID   => 1,

Assign to another agent

    my $Success = $TicketObject->TicketOwnerSet(
        TicketID  => $TicketID,
        NewUserID => 2,
        UserID    => 1,

Set a responsible

    my $Success = $TicketObject->TicketResponsibleSet(
        TicketID  => $TicketID,
        NewUserID => 3,
        UserID    => 1,

Add something to the history

    my $Success = $TicketObject->HistoryAdd(
        Name         => 'Some Comment',
        HistoryType  => 'Move',
        TicketID     => $TicketID,
        CreateUserID => 1,

Get the complete ticket history

    my @HistoryLines = $TicketObject->HistoryGet(
        TicketID => $TicketID,
        UserID   => 1,

Get current ticket attributes

    my %Ticket = $TicketObject->TicketGet(
        TicketID      => $TicketID,
        UserID        => 1,

Delete the ticket

    my $Success = $TicketObject->TicketDelete(
        TicketID => $TicketID,
        UserID   => 1,



Don't use the constructor directly, use the ObjectManager instead:

    my $TicketObject = $Kernel::OM->Get('Kernel::System::Ticket');


creates a new ticket number

    my $TicketNumber = $TicketObject->TicketCreateNumber();


creates a new ticket number

    my $TicketNumber = $TicketObject->GetTNByString($Subject);


checks if ticket number exists, returns ticket id if number exists.

returns the merged ticket id if ticket was merged. only into a depth of maximum 10 merges

    my $TicketID = $TicketObject->TicketCheckNumber(
        Tn => '200404051004575',


creates a new ticket

    my $TicketID = $TicketObject->TicketCreate(
        Title        => 'Some Ticket Title',
        Queue        => 'Raw',            # or QueueID => 123,
        Lock         => 'unlock',
        Priority     => '3 normal',       # or PriorityID => 2,
        State        => 'new',            # or StateID => 5,
        CustomerID   => '123465',
        CustomerUser => '',
        OwnerID      => 123,
        UserID       => 123,


    my $TicketID = $TicketObject->TicketCreate(
        TN            => $TicketObject->TicketCreateNumber(), # optional
        Title         => 'Some Ticket Title',
        Queue         => 'Raw',              # or QueueID => 123,
        Lock          => 'unlock',
        Priority      => '3 normal',         # or PriorityID => 2,
        State         => 'new',              # or StateID => 5,
        Type          => 'Incident',         # or TypeID = 1 or Ticket type default (Ticket::Type::Default), not required
        Service       => 'Service A',        # or ServiceID => 1, not required
        SLA           => 'SLA A',            # or SLAID => 1, not required
        CustomerID    => '123465',
        CustomerUser  => '',
        OwnerID       => 123,
        ResponsibleID => 123,                # not required
        ArchiveFlag   => 'y',                # (y|n) not required
        CreateTime    => '2000-01-01 12:34:56', # not required!
        ChangeTime    => '2000-01-01 12:34:56', # not required!
                                                # if any event is running
                                                # after the ticket was created,
                                                # delayed or immediate, this column
                                                # might change, not preserving
                                                # the value that was provided!
        UserID        => 123,

Events: TicketCreate


deletes a ticket with articles from storage

    my $Success = $TicketObject->TicketDelete(
        TicketID => 123,
        UserID   => 123,

Events: TicketDelete


ticket id lookup by ticket number

    my $TicketID = $TicketObject->TicketIDLookup(
        TicketNumber => '2004040510440485',


ticket number lookup by ticket id

    my $TicketNumber = $TicketObject->TicketNumberLookup(
        TicketID => 123,


rebuild a new ticket subject

This will generate a subject like RE: [Ticket# 2004040510440485] Some subject

    my $NewSubject = $TicketObject->TicketSubjectBuild(
        TicketNumber => '2004040510440485',
        Subject      => $OldSubject,
        Action       => 'Reply',

This will generate a subject like [Ticket# 2004040510440485] Some subject (so without RE: )

    my $NewSubject = $TicketObject->TicketSubjectBuild(
        TicketNumber => '2004040510440485',
        Subject      => $OldSubject,
        Type         => 'New',
        Action       => 'Reply',

This will generate a subject like FWD: [Ticket# 2004040510440485] Some subject

    my $NewSubject = $TicketObject->TicketSubjectBuild(
        TicketNumber => '2004040510440485',
        Subject      => $OldSubject,
        Action       => 'Forward', # Possible values are Reply and Forward, Reply is default.

This will generate a subject like [Ticket# 2004040510440485] Re: Some subject (so without clean-up of subject)

    my $NewSubject = $TicketObject->TicketSubjectBuild(
        TicketNumber => '2004040510440485',
        Subject      => $OldSubject,
        Type         => 'New',
        NoCleanup    => 1,


strip/clean up a ticket subject

    my $NewSubject = $TicketObject->TicketSubjectClean(
        TicketNumber => '2004040510440485',
        Subject      => $OldSubject,
        Size         => $SubjectSizeToBeDisplayed   # optional, if 0 do not cut subject


Get ticket info

    my %Ticket = $TicketObject->TicketGet(
        TicketID      => 123,       # Required
        DynamicFields => 0,         # Optional, default 0. To include the dynamic field values for this ticket on the return structure.
        DynamicFieldFilter => [     # Optional, default undef. If provied, function loads only specified dynamic field values
        UserID        => 123,
        Silent        => 0,         # Optional, default 0. To suppress the warning if the ticket does not exist.


    %Ticket = (
        TicketNumber            => '20101027000001',
        Title                   => 'some title',
        TicketID                => 123,
        State                   => 'some state',
        StateID                 => 123,
        StateType               => 'some state type',
        Priority                => 'some priority',
        PriorityID              => 123,
        PriorityForegroundColor => '#ff0000',
        PriorityBackgroundColor => '#0000ff',
        Lock                    => 'lock',
        LockID                  => 123,
        Queue                   => 'some queue',
        QueueID                 => 123,
        CustomerID              => 'customer_id_123',
        CustomerUserID          => 'customer_user_id_123',
        Owner                   => 'some_owner_login',
        OwnerID                 => 123,
        Type                    => 'some ticket type',
        TypeID                  => 123,
        SLA                     => 'some sla',
        SLAID                   => 123,
        Service                 => 'some service',
        ServiceID               => 123,
        Responsible             => 'some_responsible_login',
        ResponsibleID           => 123,
        Age                     => 3456,
        Created                 => '2010-10-27 20:15:00'
        CreateBy                => 123,
        Changed                 => '2010-10-27 20:15:15',
        ChangeBy                => 123,
        ArchiveFlag             => 'y',

        # (pending time values, if a pending time exists)
        RealTillTimeNotUsed              (unix time stamp of pending time)
        UntilTime                        (seconds total till pending, e.g. "3600")
        UntilTimeDestinationDate         (date of pending time, e.g. "2009-02-14 18:00:00")

        # If DynamicFields => 1 was passed, you'll get an entry like this for each dynamic field:
        DynamicField_X     => 'value_x',

        # (time stamps of expected escalations)
        EscalationResponseTime           (unix time stamp of response time escalation)
        EscalationUpdateTime             (unix time stamp of update time escalation)
        EscalationSolutionTime           (unix time stamp of solution time escalation)

        # (general escalation info of nearest escalation type)
        EscalationCalendar               (the escalation calendar from the current escalation preferences)
        EscalationDestinationIn          (escalation in e. g. 1h 4m)
        EscalationDestinationTime        (date of escalation in unix time, e. g. 72193292)
        EscalationDestinationDate        (date of escalation, e. g. "2009-02-14 18:00:00")
        EscalationTimeWorkingTime        (seconds of working/service time till escalation, e. g. "1800")
        EscalationTime                   (seconds total till escalation of nearest escalation time type - response, update or solution time, e. g. "3600")

        # (detailed escalation info about first response, update and solution time)
        FirstResponseTimeEscalation      (if true, ticket is escalated)
        FirstResponseTimeNotification    (if true, notify - x% of escalation has reached)
        FirstResponseTimeDestinationTime (date of escalation in unix time, e. g. 72193292)
        FirstResponseTimeDestinationDate (date of escalation, e. g. "2009-02-14 18:00:00")
        FirstResponseTimeWorkingTime     (seconds of working/service time till escalation, e. g. "1800")
        FirstResponseTime                (seconds total till escalation, e. g. "3600")

        UpdateTimeEscalation             (if true, ticket is escalated)
        UpdateTimeNotification           (if true, notify - x% of escalation has reached)
        UpdateTimeDestinationTime        (date of escalation in unix time, e. g. 72193292)
        UpdateTimeDestinationDate        (date of escalation, e. g. "2009-02-14 18:00:00")
        UpdateTimeWorkingTime            (seconds of working/service time till escalation, e. g. "1800")
        UpdateTime                       (seconds total till escalation, e. g. "3600")

        SolutionTimeEscalation           (if true, ticket is escalated)
        SolutionTimeNotification         (if true, notify - x% of escalation has reached)
        SolutionTimeDestinationTime      (date of escalation in unix time, e. g. 72193292)
        SolutionTimeDestinationDate      (date of escalation, e. g. "2009-02-14 18:00:00")
        SolutionTimeWorkingTime          (seconds of working/service time till escalation, e. g. "1800")
        SolutionTime                     (seconds total till escalation, e. g. "3600")

To get extended ticket attributes, use Extended

    my %Ticket = $TicketObject->TicketGet(
        TicketID => 123,
        UserID   => 123,
        Extended => 1,

Additional parameters are:

    %Ticket = (
        FirstResponse                   (timestamp of first response, first contact with customer)
        FirstResponseInMin              (minutes till first response)
        FirstResponseDiffInMin          (minutes till or over first response)

        SolutionInMin                   (minutes till solution time)
        SolutionDiffInMin               (minutes till or over solution time)

        FirstLock                       (timestamp of first lock)


update ticket title

    my $Success = $TicketObject->TicketTitleUpdate(
        Title    => 'Some Title',
        TicketID => 123,
        UserID   => 1,

Events: TicketTitleUpdate


set the ticket unlock time to the passed time

    my $Success = $TicketObject->TicketUnlockTimeoutUpdate(
        UnlockTimeout => $Epoch,
        TicketID      => 123,
        UserID        => 143,

Events: TicketUnlockTimeoutUpdate


get ticket queue id

    my $QueueID = $TicketObject->TicketQueueID(
        TicketID => 123,


to get the move queue list for a ticket (depends on workflow, if configured)

    my %Queues = $TicketObject->TicketMoveList(
        Type   => 'create',
        UserID => 123,

    my %Queues = $TicketObject->TicketMoveList(
        Type           => 'create',
        CustomerUserID => 'customer_user_id_123',

    my %Queues = $TicketObject->TicketMoveList(
        QueueID => 123,
        UserID  => 123,

    my %Queues = $TicketObject->TicketMoveList(
        TicketID => 123,
        UserID   => 123,


to move a ticket (sends notification to agents of selected my queues, if ticket is not closed)

    my $Success = $TicketObject->TicketQueueSet(
        QueueID  => 123,
        TicketID => 123,
        UserID   => 123,

    my $Success = $TicketObject->TicketQueueSet(
        Queue    => 'Some Queue Name',
        TicketID => 123,
        UserID   => 123,

    my $Success = $TicketObject->TicketQueueSet(
        Queue    => 'Some Queue Name',
        TicketID => 123,
        Comment  => 'some comment', # optional
        ForceNotificationToUserID => [1,43,56], # if you want to force somebody
        UserID   => 123,

Optional attribute: SendNoNotification disables or enables agent and customer notification for this action.

For example:

        SendNoNotification => 0, # optional 1|0 (send no agent and customer notification)

Events: TicketQueueUpdate


returns a list of used queue ids / names

    my @QueueIDList = $TicketObject->TicketMoveQueueList(
        TicketID => 123,
        Type     => 'ID',


    @QueueIDList = ( 1, 2, 3 );

    my @QueueList = $TicketObject->TicketMoveQueueList(
        TicketID => 123,
        Type     => 'Name',


    @QueueList = ( 'QueueA', 'QueueB', 'QueueC' );


to get all possible types for a ticket (depends on workflow, if configured)

    my %Types = $TicketObject->TicketTypeList(
        UserID => 123,

    my %Types = $TicketObject->TicketTypeList(
        CustomerUserID => 'customer_user_id_123',

    my %Types = $TicketObject->TicketTypeList(
        QueueID => 123,
        UserID  => 123,

    my %Types = $TicketObject->TicketTypeList(
        TicketID => 123,
        UserID   => 123,


    %Types = (
        1 => 'default',
        2 => 'request',
        3 => 'offer',


to set a ticket type

    my $Success = $TicketObject->TicketTypeSet(
        TypeID   => 123,
        TicketID => 123,
        UserID   => 123,

    my $Success = $TicketObject->TicketTypeSet(
        Type     => 'normal',
        TicketID => 123,
        UserID   => 123,

Events: TicketTypeUpdate


to get all possible services for a ticket (depends on workflow, if configured)

    my %Services = $TicketObject->TicketServiceList(
        QueueID        => 123,
        UserID         => 123,

    my %Services = $TicketObject->TicketServiceList(
        CustomerUserID => 123,
        QueueID        => 123,

    my %Services = $TicketObject->TicketServiceList(
        CustomerUserID => 123,
        TicketID       => 123,
        UserID         => 123,


    %Services = (
        1 => 'ServiceA',
        2 => 'ServiceB',
        3 => 'ServiceC',


to set a ticket service

    my $Success = $TicketObject->TicketServiceSet(
        ServiceID => 123,
        TicketID  => 123,
        UserID    => 123,

    my $Success = $TicketObject->TicketServiceSet(
        Service  => 'Service A',
        TicketID => 123,
        UserID   => 123,

Events: TicketServiceUpdate


get escalation preferences of a ticket (e. g. from SLA or from Queue based settings)

    my %Escalation = $TicketObject->TicketEscalationPreferences(
        Ticket => $Param{Ticket},
        UserID => $Param{UserID},


get escalation properties of a ticket

    my %Escalation = $TicketObject->TicketEscalationDateCalculation(
        Ticket => $Param{Ticket},
        UserID => $Param{UserID},


    (general escalation info)
    EscalationCalendar               (the escalation calendar from the current escalation preferences)
    EscalationDestinationIn          (escalation in e. g. 1h 4m)
    EscalationDestinationTime        (date of escalation in unix time, e. g. 72193292)
    EscalationDestinationDate        (date of escalation, e. g. "2009-02-14 18:00:00")
    EscalationTimeWorkingTime        (seconds of working/service time till escalation, e. g. "1800")
    EscalationTime                   (seconds total till escalation, e. g. "3600")

    (detail escalation info about first response, update and solution time)
    FirstResponseTimeEscalation      (if true, ticket is escalated)
    FirstResponseTimeNotification    (if true, notify - x% of escalation has reached)
    FirstResponseTimeDestinationTime (date of escalation in unix time, e. g. 72193292)
    FirstResponseTimeDestinationDate (date of escalation, e. g. "2009-02-14 18:00:00")
    FirstResponseTimeWorkingTime     (seconds of working/service time till escalation, e. g. "1800")
    FirstResponseTime                (seconds total till escalation, e. g. "3600")

    UpdateTimeEscalation             (if true, ticket is escalated)
    UpdateTimeNotification           (if true, notify - x% of escalation has reached)
    UpdateTimeDestinationTime        (date of escalation in unix time, e. g. 72193292)
    UpdateTimeDestinationDate        (date of escalation, e. g. "2009-02-14 18:00:00")
    UpdateTimeWorkingTime            (seconds of working/service time till escalation, e. g. "1800")
    UpdateTime                       (seconds total till escalation, e. g. "3600")

    SolutionTimeEscalation           (if true, ticket is escalated)
    SolutionTimeNotification         (if true, notify - x% of escalation has reached)
    SolutionTimeDestinationTime      (date of escalation in unix time, e. g. 72193292)
    SolutionTimeDestinationDate      (date of escalation, e. g. "2009-02-14 18:00:00")
    SolutionTimeWorkingTime          (seconds of working/service time till escalation, e. g. "1800")
    SolutionTime                     (seconds total till escalation, e. g. "3600")


build escalation index of one ticket with current settings (SLA, Queue, Calendar…)

    my $Success = $TicketObject->TicketEscalationIndexBuild(
        TicketID => $Param{TicketID},
        UserID   => $Param{UserID},


to get all possible SLAs for a ticket (depends on workflow, if configured)

    my %SLAs = $TicketObject->TicketSLAList(
        ServiceID => 1,
        UserID    => 123,

    my %SLAs = $TicketObject->TicketSLAList(
        ServiceID      => 1,
        CustomerUserID => 'customer_user_id_123',

    my %SLAs = $TicketObject->TicketSLAList(
        QueueID   => 123,
        ServiceID => 1,
        UserID    => 123,

    my %SLAs = $TicketObject->TicketSLAList(
        TicketID  => 123,
        ServiceID => 1,
        UserID    => 123,


    %SLAs = (
        1 => 'SLA A',
        2 => 'SLA B',
        3 => 'SLA C',


to set a ticket service level agreement

    my $Success = $TicketObject->TicketSLASet(
        SLAID    => 123,
        TicketID => 123,
        UserID   => 123,

    my $Success = $TicketObject->TicketSLASet(
        SLA      => 'SLA A',
        TicketID => 123,
        UserID   => 123,

Events: TicketSLAUpdate, NotificationSLAUpdate


Set customer data of ticket. Can set 'No' (CustomerID), 'User' (CustomerUserID), or both.

    my $Success = $TicketObject->TicketCustomerSet(
        No                     => 'client123',
        User                   => 'client-user-123',
        TicketID               => 123,
        UserID                 => 23,
        UpdateTicketChangeTime => 1|0 # optional, default: 1

Events: TicketCustomerUpdate


returns whether or not the agent has permission on a ticket

    my $Access = $TicketObject->TicketPermission(
        Type     => 'ro',
        TicketID => 123,
        UserID   => 123,

or without logging, for example for to check if a link/action should be shown

    my $Access = $TicketObject->TicketPermission(
        Type     => 'ro',
        TicketID => 123,
        LogNo    => 1,
        UserID   => 123,


returns whether or not a customer has permission to a ticket

    my $Access = $TicketObject->TicketCustomerPermission(
        Type     => 'ro',
        TicketID => 123,
        UserID   => 123,

or without logging, for example for to check if a link/action should be displayed

    my $Access = $TicketObject->TicketCustomerPermission(
        Type     => 'ro',
        TicketID => 123,
        LogNo    => 1,
        UserID   => 123,


returns an array of user ids which selected the given queue id as custom queue.

    my @UserIDs = $TicketObject->GetSubscribedUserIDsByQueueID(
        QueueID => 123,


    @UserIDs = ( 1, 2, 3 );


returns an array of user ids which selected the given service id as custom service.

    my @UserIDs = $TicketObject->GetSubscribedUserIDsByServiceID(
        ServiceID => 123,


    @UserIDs = ( 1, 2, 3 );


set ticket pending time:

    my $Success = $TicketObject->TicketPendingTimeSet(
        Year     => 2003,
        Month    => 08,
        Day      => 14,
        Hour     => 22,
        Minute   => 05,
        TicketID => 123,
        UserID   => 23,

or use a time stamp:

    my $Success = $TicketObject->TicketPendingTimeSet(
        String   => '2003-08-14 22:05:00',
        TicketID => 123,
        UserID   => 23,

or use a diff (set pending time to "now" + diff minutes)

    my $Success = $TicketObject->TicketPendingTimeSet(
        Diff     => ( 7 * 24 * 60 ),  # minutes (here: 10080 minutes - 7 days)
        TicketID => 123,
        UserID   => 23,

If you want to set the pending time to null, just supply zeros:

    my $Success = $TicketObject->TicketPendingTimeSet(
        Year     => 0000,
        Month    => 00,
        Day      => 00,
        Hour     => 00,
        Minute   => 00,
        TicketID => 123,
        UserID   => 23,

or use a time stamp:

    my $Success = $TicketObject->TicketPendingTimeSet(
        String   => '0000-00-00 00:00:00',
        TicketID => 123,
        UserID   => 23,

Events: TicketPendingTimeUpdate


check if a ticket is locked or not

    if ($TicketObject->TicketLockGet(TicketID => 123)) {
        print "Ticket is locked!\n";
    else {
        print "Ticket is not locked!\n";


to lock or unlock a ticket

    my $Success = $TicketObject->TicketLockSet(
        Lock     => 'lock',
        TicketID => 123,
        UserID   => 123,

    my $Success = $TicketObject->TicketLockSet(
        LockID   => 1,
        TicketID => 123,
        UserID   => 123,

Optional attribute: SendNoNotification, disable or enable agent and customer notification for this action. Otherwise a notification will be sent to agent and customer.

For example:

        SendNoNotification => 0, # optional 1|0 (send no agent and customer notification)

Events: TicketLockUpdate


to set the ticket archive flag

    my $Success = $TicketObject->TicketArchiveFlagSet(
        ArchiveFlag => 'y',  # (y|n)
        TicketID    => 123,
        UserID      => 123,

Events: TicketArchiveFlagUpdate


check if a ticket is archived or not

    if ( $TicketObject->TicketArchiveFlagGet( TicketID => 123 ) ) {
        print "Ticket is archived!\n";
    else {
        print "Ticket is not archived!\n";


to set a ticket state

    my $Success = $TicketObject->TicketStateSet(
        State     => 'open',
        TicketID  => 123,
        ArticleID => 123, #optional, for history
        UserID    => 123,

    my $Success = $TicketObject->TicketStateSet(
        StateID  => 3,
        TicketID => 123,
        UserID   => 123,

Optional attribute: SendNoNotification, disable or enable agent and customer notification for this action. Otherwise a notification will be sent to agent and customer.

For example:

        SendNoNotification => 0, # optional 1|0 (send no agent and customer notification)

Events: TicketStateUpdate


to get the state list for a ticket (depends on workflow, if configured)

    my %States = $TicketObject->TicketStateList(
        TicketID => 123,
        UserID   => 123,

    my %States = $TicketObject->TicketStateList(
        TicketID       => 123,
        CustomerUserID => 'customer_user_id_123',

    my %States = $TicketObject->TicketStateList(
        QueueID => 123,
        UserID  => 123,

    my %States = $TicketObject->TicketStateList(
        TicketID => 123,
        Type     => 'open',
        UserID   => 123,


    %States = (
        1 => 'State A',
        2 => 'State B',
        3 => 'State C',


to get the ticket owner

    my ($OwnerID, $Owner) = $TicketObject->OwnerCheck(
        TicketID => 123,

or for access control

    my $AccessOk = $TicketObject->OwnerCheck(
        TicketID => 123,
        OwnerID  => 321,


to set the ticket owner (notification to the new owner will be sent)

by using user id

    my $Success = $TicketObject->TicketOwnerSet(
        TicketID  => 123,
        NewUserID => 555,
        UserID    => 123,

by using user login

    my $Success = $TicketObject->TicketOwnerSet(
        TicketID => 123,
        NewUser  => 'some-user-login',
        UserID   => 123,

Return: 1 = owner has been set 2 = this owner is already set, no update needed

Optional attribute: SendNoNotification, disable or enable agent and customer notification for this action. Otherwise a notification will be sent to agent and customer.

For example:

        SendNoNotification => 0, # optional 1|0 (send no agent and customer notification)

Events: TicketOwnerUpdate


returns the owner in the past as array with hash ref of the owner data (name, email, …)

    my @Owner = $TicketObject->TicketOwnerList(
        TicketID => 123,


    @Owner = (
            UserFirstname => 'SomeName',
            UserLastname  => 'SomeName',
            UserEmail     => '',
            # custom attributes
            UserFirstname => 'SomeName',
            UserLastname  => 'SomeName',
            UserEmail     => '',
            # custom attributes


to set the ticket responsible (notification to the new responsible will be sent)

by using user id

    my $Success = $TicketObject->TicketResponsibleSet(
        TicketID  => 123,
        NewUserID => 555,
        UserID    => 213,

by using user login

    my $Success = $TicketObject->TicketResponsibleSet(
        TicketID  => 123,
        NewUser   => 'some-user-login',
        UserID    => 213,

Return: 1 = responsible has been set 2 = this responsible is already set, no update needed

Optional attribute: SendNoNotification, disable or enable agent and customer notification for this action. Otherwise a notification will be sent to agent and customer.

For example:

        SendNoNotification => 0, # optional 1|0 (send no agent and customer notification)

Events: TicketResponsibleUpdate


returns the responsible in the past as array with hash ref of the owner data (name, email, …)

    my @Responsible = $TicketObject->TicketResponsibleList(
        TicketID => 123,


    @Responsible = (
            UserFirstname => 'SomeName',
            UserLastname  => 'SomeName',
            UserEmail     => '',
            # custom attributes
            UserFirstname => 'SomeName',
            UserLastname  => 'SomeName',
            UserEmail     => '',
            # custom attributes


returns an array with hash ref of agents which have been involved with a ticket. It is guaranteed that no agent is returned twice. With the param 'WithoutSubscriptions' it's possible to not return the user which only subscribed/unsubscribed the ticket.

    my @InvolvedAgents = $TicketObject->TicketInvolvedAgentsList(
        TicketID             => 123,
        WithoutUserData      => 1, # optional
        WithoutSubscriptions => 1, # optional
        AvatarFile           => 1, # optional
        NoSensitive          => 1, # optional


    @InvolvedAgents = (
            UserFirstname => 'SomeName',
            UserLastname  => 'SomeName',
            UserEmail     => '',
            # custom attributes
            UserFirstname => 'AnotherName',
            UserLastname  => 'AnotherName',
            UserEmail     => '',
            # custom attributes


to set the ticket priority

    my $Success = $TicketObject->TicketPrioritySet(
        TicketID => 123,
        Priority => 'low',
        UserID   => 213,

    my $Success = $TicketObject->TicketPrioritySet(
        TicketID   => 123,
        PriorityID => 2,
        UserID     => 213,

Events: TicketPriorityUpdate


to get the priority list for a ticket (depends on workflow, if configured)

    my %Priorities = $TicketObject->TicketPriorityList(
        TicketID => 123,
        UserID   => 123,

    my %Priorities = $TicketObject->TicketPriorityList(
        TicketID       => 123,
        CustomerUserID => 'customer_user_id_123',

    my %Priorities = $TicketObject->TicketPriorityList(
        QueueID => 123,
        UserID  => 123,


    %Priorities = (
        1 => 'Priority A',
        2 => 'Priority B',
        3 => 'Priority C',


get a hash with ticket id as key and a hash ref (result of HistoryTicketGet) of all affected tickets in this time area.

    my %Tickets = $TicketObject->HistoryTicketStatusGet(
        StartDay   => 12,
        StartMonth => 1,
        StartYear  => 2006,
        StopDay    => 18,
        StopMonth  => 1,
        StopYear   => 2006,
        Force      => 0,


returns a hash of some of the ticket data calculated based on ticket history info at the given date.

    my %HistoryData = $TicketObject->HistoryTicketGet(
        StopYear   => 2003,
        StopMonth  => 12,
        StopDay    => 24,
        StopHour   => 10, (optional, default 23)
        StopMinute => 0,  (optional, default 59)
        StopSecond => 0,  (optional, default 59)
        TicketID   => 123,
        Force      => 0,     # 1: don't use cache


    CreateTime (timestamp)
    LockFirst (timestamp)
    LockLast (timestamp)
    UnlockFirst (timestamp)
    UnlockLast (timestamp)


returns the id of the requested history type.

    my $ID = $TicketObject->HistoryTypeLookup( Type => 'Move' );


add a history entry to an ticket

    my $Success = $TicketObject->HistoryAdd(
        Name         => 'Some Comment',
        HistoryType  => 'Move', # see system tables
        TicketID     => 123,
        ArticleID    => 1234, # not required!
        QueueID      => 123, # not required!
        TypeID       => 123, # not required!
        CreateTime   => '2000-01-01 12:34:56', # not required!
        ChangeTime   => '2000-01-01 12:34:56', # not required!
        CreateUserID => 123,

Events: HistoryAdd


get ticket history as array with hashes (TicketID, ArticleID, Name, CreateBy, CreateTime, HistoryType, QueueID, OwnerID, PriorityID, StateID, HistoryTypeID and TypeID)

If CreatedBy is given, only history entries from this agent are returned.

    my @HistoryLines = $TicketObject->HistoryGet(
        TicketID  => 123,
        UserID    => 123,
        CreatedBy => 2,   (optional, if given, no UserData will be included in result)


Get the last history create time per a given HistoryType of a given TicketID.

    my $LastCreateTime = $TicketObject->HistoryLastCreateTime(
        TicketID    => 123,
        HistoryType => 'EscalationResponseTimeStart',
        UserID      => 123,


delete a ticket history (from storage)

    my $Success = $TicketObject->HistoryDelete(
        TicketID => 123,
        UserID   => 123,

Events: HistoryDelete


returns the accounted time of a ticket.

    my $AccountedTime = $TicketObject->TicketAccountedTimeGet(TicketID => 1234);


account time to a ticket.

    my $Success = $TicketObject->TicketAccountTime(
        TicketID  => 1234,
        ArticleID => 23542,
        TimeUnit  => '4.5',
        UserID    => 1,

Events: TicketAccountTime


merge two tickets

    my $Success = $TicketObject->TicketMerge(
        MainTicketID  => 412,
        MergeTicketID => 123,
        UserID        => 123,

Events: TicketMerge


merge dynamic fields from one ticket into another, that is, copy them from the merge ticket to the main ticket if the value is empty in the main ticket.

    my $Success = $TicketObject->TicketMergeDynamicFields(
        MainTicketID  => 123,
        MergeTicketID => 42,
        UserID        => 1,
        DynamicFields => ['DynamicField_TicketFreeText1'], # optional

If DynamicFields is not present, it is taken from the Ticket::MergeDynamicFields configuration.


merge linked objects from one ticket into another, that is, move them from the merge ticket to the main ticket in the link_relation table.

    my $Success = $TicketObject->TicketMergeLinkedObjects(
        MainTicketID  => 123,
        MergeTicketID => 42,
        UserID        => 1,


to get all user ids and additional attributes of an watched ticket

    my %Watch = $TicketObject->TicketWatchGet(
        TicketID => 123,

get list of users to notify

    my %Watch = $TicketObject->TicketWatchGet(
        TicketID => 123,
        Notify   => 1,

get list of users as array

    my @Watch = $TicketObject->TicketWatchGet(
        TicketID => 123,
        Result   => 'ARRAY',


to subscribe a ticket to watch it

    my $Success = $TicketObject->TicketWatchSubscribe(
        TicketID    => 111,
        WatchUserID => 123,
        UserID      => 123,

Events: TicketSubscribe


to remove a subscription of a ticket

    my $Success = $TicketObject->TicketWatchUnsubscribe(
        TicketID    => 111,
        WatchUserID => 123,
        UserID      => 123,

Events: TicketUnsubscribe


Move article storage of a ticket from one backend to another backend.

    my $Success = $TicketObject->TicketArticleStorageSwitch(
        TicketID    => 123,
        Source      => 'ArticleStorageDB',
        Destination => 'ArticleStorageFS',
        UserID      => 1,


    checks whether or not the ticket is of a process type.

        TicketID => 123,


checks calendar to be used for ticket based on sla and queue

    my $Calendar = $TicketObject->TicketCalendarGet(
        QueueID => 1,
        SLAID   => 1,   # optional

returns calendar number or empty string for default calendar


Wrapper method for the TicketSearch functionality.


Wrapper method for the TicketCountByAttribute functionality.


search customer users that are not saved in any backend

    my $UnknownTicketCustomerList = $TicketObject->SearchUnknownTicketCustomers(
        SearchTerm => 'SomeSearchTerm',


    %UnknownTicketCustomerList = (
            CustomerID    => 'SomeCustomerID',
            CustomerUser  => 'SomeCustomerUser',
            CustomerID    => 'SomeCustomerID',
            CustomerUser  => 'SomeCustomerUser',


Returns a list of ticket ids and article ids where OTRSDeleteAttachments already removed attachments for articles.

    my %IDs = $ArticleBackendObject->Kernel::System::Ticket::HistoryAttachmentDeletedGet(
        Type     => 'Attachment', # (required) Search for deleted article attachments 'Attachment' or 'Plain' for deleted plain.txt
        Article  => 123,          # (optional) Search for given ArticleID
        TicketID => 123,          # (optional) Search for given TicketID
        UserID   => 123,


my %IDs = ( 1 => [2,3,4,5], 2 => [2,3,4,5], 3 => [2,3,4,5], );



Remove all caches related to specified ticket.

    my $Success = $TicketObject->_TicketCacheClear(
        TicketID => 123,


Collect extended attributes for given ticket, namely first response, first lock and close data.

    my %TicketExtended = $TicketObject->_TicketGetExtended(
        TicketID => $Param{TicketID},
        Ticket   => \%Ticket,


Collect attributes of first response for given ticket.

    my %FirstResponse = $TicketObject->_TicketGetFirstResponse(
        TicketID => $Param{TicketID},
        Ticket   => \%Ticket,


Collect attributes of (last) closing for given ticket.

    my %TicketGetClosed = $TicketObject->_TicketGetClosed(
        TicketID => $Param{TicketID},
        Ticket   => \%Ticket,


Collect first lock time for given ticket.

    my %FirstLock = $TicketObject->_TicketGetFirstLock(
        TicketID => $Param{TicketID},
        Ticket   => \%Ticket,
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